王 妤文's profileZong-yi Lin's profile

Class Corner — 遠距教學輔助設備

Class Corner is a distance learning device that can provide primary school students a better interaction and experience during distance courses. Students can interact with their teacher intuitively through a few gestures as if they were in the classroom and the interactive cube would give them instant feedback such as adding points, evaluations, and private calls to make them pay more attention during the class. This design is a set of better remote learning tools for children as distance learning becomes a need rather than an option. 
How Might we Boost the Interactivity of Online Learning?

E-learning has grown in significance as an educational tool just like technology has developed and progressed over the years. Pupils who need to focus and interact in the class have faced the problems of poor learning effectiveness. It also lacks the sense of ritual and interaction with classmates and teachers in remote classes.
   Lin, Zong-Yi|Wang, Yu-Wen

Taiwan Tech Department of Design

Special Thanks to
智晶光電股份有限公司 WiseChip Semiconductor Inc.
台灣博迪股份有限公司 Won House
桃園仁和國小 邱奕明 老師
黃聖譚|黃鈺善 同學

新一代設計產學合作 Yodex Industry-Academia Cooperation金獎
2022放視設計大賞 Vision Get Wild|優選 ​​​​​​​
金點設計新秀設計獎 Best of Young Pin Design Award|獲獎
紅點設計概念獎 reddot award design concept|入圍


中央社 Central News Agency
中時新聞網 China Times

INSTAGRAM: @class_corner_
Class Corner — 遠距教學輔助設備

Class Corner — 遠距教學輔助設備

Class Corner is a distance learning device that can provide primary school students a better interaction and experience during distance courses. Read More
